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Forgiveness After Fright

 Her personality matched the season and spring it was. Her smile so simple and her cheeks so blush. She was a very graceful women, she would not dare betray a soul, but one day that spring her entire demeanor had taken a toll. For she was approached by the Summoner, a very grimmy man. All he would do was lie and steal from the next man's hand. When he approached her she had no clue of why for, but she got a slight idea when he walked in and behind him closed the door. She feared for her life as she knew she was in no debt but as everyone knew the Summoner was a great threat.
     When the door was completely closed the room was entirely dark. She couldn't see the Summoner but she could most definately feel the fear in her heart. She took a few steps back and stumbled a little, the Summoner caught her hand and on the couch threw her to the middle. He mumbled  something to her, it went unheard because she was too afraid, but at last she should not worry, because the knight had plans to raid.
    As the Summoner lifted the nun's tunic, the door bursted open. The sun flooded the room as if it were a sea or an ocean. The Knight, oh so noble, arrived very punctual, for if the Summoner would have achieved his goal he would most likely  have left the nun dysfunctional. The Knight saved her life and for that she was thankful, but she prayed for the Summoner every night in hopes he would one day become tranquil.


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