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Letter To Advice Column

Dear Abby,

          My name is Grant, I am a teacher in Louisiana. I am currently facing what one may consider a quandary. My dilemma began about a week ago. My aunt's friend, Miss Emma, has a nephew named Jefferson. Jefferson has recently been caught up in a messy web. He is being tried for murder. Although Jefferson did not commit the murder, he was present when it occurred. He was not awarded a fair trial. Jefferson is of a darker hue and the man murdered was caucasian, due to discrimination in the area which we live, Jefferson was convicted of the crime, and sentenced to death by execution. During his trial, the prosecutor delineated Jefferson as being a hog, this has really impacted the little self-esteem that Jefferson had. When I went to visit him I brought food, he asked me if I had corn, which indeed I did, and he got down on his knees and begin to eat the corn from the basket as if he were really a hog. I visit him because I was asked by Miss Emma to educate him before he is executed, but there is no possible way that I can get through to him. Jefferson does not listen to anything that I say; when he was eating the corn from the basket, I tried to make him understand that he was not an animal, but all he would say is, "This how a hog eat."  I want to help Jefferson, but I just can't seem to get through to him. Miss Emma does not want her nephew to die believing that he is less than that of a human. What should I do? How should I approach him? What should I say? Abby, please! I need your help!

                       Sincerely, Grant


  1. Well Grant, even though it may seem as it is quite unnecessary, I think you should still at least try. No matter what the situation is, no one wants to die feeling as if he or she didn't mean anything or serve any person being alive on this here earth. If anything don't do it for Jefferson, do it for yourself, wveryone knows that he has probably already given up on life. That doesn't mean that you have to give up on his life too. At least try, that way you'll know you did your part regardless of the outcome.

    Sincerely Abby

  2. Well Grant, even though it may seem as it is quite unnecessary, I think you should still at least try. No matter what the situation is, no one wants to die feeling as if he or she didn't mean anything or serve any person being alive on this here earth. If anything don't do it for Jefferson, do it for yourself, wveryone knows that he has probably already given up on life. That doesn't mean that you have to give up on his life too. At least try, that way you'll know you did your part regardless of the outcome.

    Sincerely Abby


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