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Frankenstein was a very intriguing novel. The monster himself in some case can be very relatable. Throughout the novel the monster experiences an overall sadness that can be broken down into smaller “sub-emotions.” A few of the feelings that he experiences are depression and loneliness. The monster did things that he did not truly mean because he was not particularly aware of the severity of his actions although he was simply acting on his emotions. The monsters primary motive behind claiming the lives of others was the neglect that he felt from society, but more importantly his creator. I feel that the monster would not have acted in such ways if he simply had someone to understand or bond with him.

Psalms 121

Psalm 121 King James Version (KJV) 121  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2  My help cometh from the  Lord , which made heaven and earth. 3  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 5  The  Lord  is thy keeper: the  Lord  is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6  The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 7  The  Lord  shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. 8  The  Lord  shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Translation: 121 I look to the hills wondering where my help comes from. 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 3 He will not allow you to stumble: he will not sleep. 4 Because the keeper of Israel does not rest. 5 The Lord watches over you: the Lord protects you. 6 You will not be harmed in the day o

King Lear Review

King Lear is an amazing play! The play uses its several characters,  to relay a very valuable life lesson. It teaches the importance of remaining humble and putting family first. This play is a prime example of why Shakespeare  is a literary  legend.  I'd refer this play to my closest friend, it's a true page turner and the definition of a good read!

Forgiveness After Fright

 Her personality matched the season and spring it was. Her smile so simple and her cheeks so blush. She was a very graceful women, she would not dare betray a soul, but one day that spring her entire demeanor had taken a toll. For she was approached by the Summoner, a very grimmy man. All he would do was lie and steal from the next man's hand. When he approached her she had no clue of why for, but she got a slight idea when he walked in and behind him closed the door. She feared for her life as she knew she was in no debt but as everyone knew the Summoner was a great threat.      When the door was completely closed the room was entirely dark. She couldn't see the Summoner but she could most definately feel the fear in her heart. She took a few steps back and stumbled a little, the Summoner caught her hand and on the couch threw her to the middle. He mumbled  something to her, it went unheard because she was too afraid, but at last she should not worry, because the knight had p

Letter To Advice Column

Dear Abby,           My name is Grant, I am a teacher in Louisiana. I am currently facing what one may consider a quandary. My dilemma began about a week ago. My aunt's friend, Miss Emma, has a nephew named Jefferson. Jefferson has recently been caught up in a messy web. He is being tried for murder. Although Jefferson did not commit the murder, he was present when it occurred. He was not awarded a fair trial. Jefferson is of a darker hue and the man murdered was caucasian, due to discrimination in the area which we live, Jefferson was convicted of the crime, and sentenced to death by execution. During his trial, the prosecutor delineated Jefferson as being a hog, this has really impacted the little self-esteem that Jefferson had. When I went to visit him I brought food, he asked me if I had corn, which indeed I did, and he got down on his knees and begin to eat the corn from the basket as if he were really a hog. I visit him because I was asked by Miss Emma to educate him before

Chapter 5 & 6; Questions & Quotes

Chapter 5 1.) The church was used as Grant's classroom. 2.) The school only meet for five and a half months because, for the rest of the year, the children were needed in the fields. 3.) I feel that Grant goes into such detail about how Jefferson will be killed simply to scare the children into learning so that they won't end up like Jefferson. 4.) Mr. Farrell tells Grant that Henri Pichot wants to meet with him at five that evening. Quote 1: "Every little thing was irritating me." pg.35 * Grant has become agitated by small things, that are branching off of his larger problem, the "man vs. self" conflict that he has encountered with having to teach Jefferson. Quote 2: "Do you know what his nannan wants me to do before they kill him? The public defender called him a hog, and she wants me to make him a man. Within the next few weeks, maybe a month, whatever the law allows - make him a man. Exactly what I'm trying to do here with you n

Quotation Assignment

Chapter 3 "Mr.Henri? I'll be up here again tomorrow, Mr.Henri. I'll be on my knees next time you see me, Mr.Henri." - page 23 2.) This quote characterizes Miss Emma, is shows Miss Emma's dedication to the well-being of Jefferson and her determination to his education before he is killed. 3.) This quotation indicates the conflict that Miss Emma is having with Mr.Henri about talking to the sheriff on her behalf and the conflict that she is having with coming to terms with Jefferson dying as "a hog." Chapter 4 "I need to go someplace where I can feel I'm living." - page 29  1.) This quotation relates to the desire to escape and displacement. Grant basically wants to leave behind the life that he is living now hence the theme, desire to escape. This could also relate to displacement because one could assume that Grant feels that he is not in the right place to live out his life. 5.) This quotation could in some ways symbolize the la

Chapter 3 and 4 Discussion Questions

Chapter 3: 1.)  Henry Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" helps to support his opinion on how Grant should not be able to visit Jefferson. He believes that because Jefferson "did it" he should have to suffer his consequences and die as what he was labeled "a hog." 2.) By saying that "She was looking at me but not seeing me, and not meaning what she was saying, either." Grant nearly meant that Miss Emma knew that he didn't want to go but she was not very accepting of the fact. She used "He doesn't have to go." as a way to make Grant feel bad. 3.) The back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolizes Grant going away to college and leaving behind the life that his aunt and Miss Emma had to live as servants. Having to enter the plantation house through the back door annoys Grant because when he left for college he was told to never enter through the back door again. 4.) Miss Emma uses her credibility and

I Have a Dream

Martin Luther King's carefully crafted speech using pathos, repetition, and metaphors emphasizes his deeply rooted love and dedication to unalienable human rights. A rhetoric device commonly used by King in is 'I Have a Dream' speech was repetition. His use of repetition assist him in generating his points. An example of this would be his constant use of "One hundred years later." King uses this to stress to the listener's how long of a stretch that it has been and the right thing still has yet to be done. This helps the listener to understand where King is coming from and relate to it.